Industry News

Theradaptive & 3D SYSTEMS

The Fusion of 3D Printing in Medical Advancement: A Collaborative Leap

The alliance between 3D Systems and Theradaptive serves as a testament to the increasing interconnectedness of the “3D printing sector” and the “medical field”. This intertwining paves the way for new horizons in regenerative treatments. An Exclusive Partnership Fostering Technological Evolution 3D Systems, renowned for their achievements in 3D printing, recently inked a deal with

The Fusion of 3D Printing in Medical Advancement: A Collaborative Leap Read More »

Water soluble detergent pods

The Controversy over PVA in Detergent Pods: A Comprehensive Examination

The use of PVA in detergent pods has ignited a complex debate among scientists, manufacturers, and environmentalists. With clashing views on its biodegradability and safety, the issue calls for further investigation and potential regulatory action.

I hope this revised version better emphasizes the controversy over PVA’s biodegradability and provides a clear understanding of PVA detergent pods. Let me know if there are any more adjustments needed!

The Controversy over PVA in Detergent Pods: A Comprehensive Examination Read More »

pellet extrusion 3d printer

Embrace the Shift to Pellet Extrusion 3D Printer: A Game-Changer for the Industry

Embrace the Future: The Shift to Pellet Extrusion 3D Printer Introduction 3D printing is taking leaps and bounds, growing its presence across various industries. Currently, the majority of 3D printing technology relies on Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), which uses thermoplastic filament. But a groundbreaking shift to pellet extrusion 3D printer is underway. This shift is

Embrace the Shift to Pellet Extrusion 3D Printer: A Game-Changer for the Industry Read More »

Additive manufacturing for enviroment

Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: BASF Forward AM Pioneers Eco-Friendly 3D Printing

“With great power comes great responsibility.”This statement resonates more than ever, especially when it comes to the transformative force of Additive Manufacturing (AM). As AM becomes a significant driving force worldwide, our obligation towards environmental sustainability grows in parallel. Leading this change is BASF’s Forward AM, deeply committed to evaluating and addressing the environmental ramifications

Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: BASF Forward AM Pioneers Eco-Friendly 3D Printing Read More »

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